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5 Things That Attract Cockroaches to Your Home

December 22, 2022

Cockroaches are common household pests that are usually in search of shelter, water, and food. If your house has these three things, roaches will move into your house in large numbers. And even if there is no food or water, roaches are highly persistent and can easily adapt to extreme conditions. Keep reading to know what attracts cockroaches to your home.

1. Food Sources

Cockroaches are always on the lookout for places with abundant food sources. The food can be stored food items or kitchen trash. Also, decaying organic matter and even pet litter boxes contain food for cockroaches.

Perhaps the most common source of food for cockroaches is dirty dishes. After a long day at work, you may not have the energy to wash the dirty dishes in the sink. However, if you leave these dishes overnight, you are inviting cockroaches to a feast. Cockroaches can quickly identify tiny food particles and even residue in drinking glasses. Hence, you should always immediately wash dirty dishes after use.

2. Moisture

Cockroaches are naturally attracted to a moist environment. The cockroaches will breed and live in any damp space in your house. Damp spaces are below broken gutters, leaky faucets, and damaged pipes. Also, moisture can build up in a house with poor ventilation, especially one without exhaust fans and dehumidifiers.

3. Hiding Spots

Dark and isolated areas in your house are perfect hiding spots for cockroaches. For example, cockroaches can hide below the attic vents, under cabinets and closets, behind electronics, and inside sinks and appliances.

If there's no hiding space within the house, the cockroaches can find a hiding spot outdoors. Common outdoor hiding spots include thick vegetation, debris and clutter in the yard, and storage boxes in your garage.

Cockroaches prefer dark places because they are nocturnal, so you will barely see them during the day. Hence, you will see them scuttle to hide when you turn on the basement or bathroom lights.

A cluttered home provides the perfect environment for cockroaches to hide and breed. For instance, if you have boxes, clothes, toys, and other belongings in a disorganized setting, you create the perfect place for pests. Other forms of clutter are food crumbs, garbage, and dirty dishes. Hence, proper hygiene and regular decluttering are necessary to prevent a cockroach infestation.

4. Wood

You may have known that wood attracts termites, but even roaches like feasting on decaying wood. So, cockroaches will move to old houses made from lumber and other wooden material. In fact, some specific cockroach species have a biological need for wood. These cockroaches will feed on woodpiles, wood stumps, and hollow trees.

Because most mulches are essentially wood, cockroaches will also prefer to live in mulch. Some mulch contains insect-favored wood that cockroaches find particularly attractive. At the same time, mulch will trap moisture beneath it and provide shelter for the cockroaches. 

5. Strong Odors

Although cockroaches can consume most items, the roaches will prefer foods with odors. For example, roaches will quickly move in if you leave scented potpourri unattended. Similarly, an unsealed bowl of sugar or sweet cereal is a major attraction to cockroaches.

The attraction is not just for nice smells since the roaches can also fancy the smell of garbage and dirty laundry. For example, you will find cockroaches in collections of grocery bags with a faint smell of food.

Roaches are a menace that can damage property and even lead to diseases. Ideally, you should take measures to prevent cockroaches from invading your home. But if cockroaches manage to enter your home, American Pest Professionals can help you to get rid of the pests. We provide high-quality and safe pest control services at affordable rates. Contact us to get started.

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