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Cockroach Identification, Prevention, and Extermination

American Pest Professionals • April 9, 2020
Cockroaches — Muncie, IN — American Pest Control

Does your home have cockroaches? If you're not sure the insect you see scurrying across your kitchen floor is this infamous pest, take a look at what you need to know about cockroach identification, prevention, and extermination.

What Do Cockroaches Look Like?

Before you solve your cockroach problem, you need to make sure this pest is the actual invader. Four primary types of cockroaches are found in America that invade household interiors. A fifth type of roach, the Pennsylvania wood cockroach, is primarily found outdoors.

To easily identify the would-be cockroach in your home, look for the markers of each species:

  • Brown-banded cockroach. This species is smaller than other roaches and has a light brown or brown color. Look for "V" shaped lighter-colored bands on the wings.
  • German cockroach. According to the University of Maryland, this species is between 5/8 and 2/3 of an inch long. The adult German cockroach has a light brown color and two darker stripes on the area behind the head.
  • American cockroach. This larger species is one and a half inches long and has a reddish coloring. Th American cockroach also has a pale brown band.
  • Oriental cockroach. The one-inch Oriental cockroach is dark brown or black in color. The male of the species has short wings, while females are wingless.

Some other home invaders, such as long-horned beetles and ground beetles, look like cockroaches. If you doubt your ability to accurately identify a cockroach invasion, contact a pest control professional. An exterminator can inspect your home, find the invaders, and identify them as cockroaches or another pest.

How Can You Prevent a Cockroach Invasion?

Prevention is the best way to protect your home and your family from cockroaches. If you have concerns about cockroaches or have had a previous problem, prevent an infestation and:

  • Keep a clean home. Even though cockroaches can invade a perfectly clean home, they're more likely to invade a space with easily accessible food. Remove trash promptly, clear clutter, vacuum regularly, and don't leave food/beverages out in the open.
  • Seal entry points. Prevent cockroaches from entering your home's interior and seal cracks in the foundation and around door and window frames. Add screens to windows and vents.
  • Reduce humidity. Cockroaches prefer a moist, humid environment. Use a whole-home dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels inside.
  • Repair leaks. Not only should you reduce overall interior humidity levels, you should also repair leaks. A leaky pipe can drip and puddle, creating an environment that attracts cockroaches.

Along with these steps, call a pest professional. An exterminator can recommend a pest protection plan to prevent a cockroach invasion.

How Can You Exterminate Cockroaches?

What happens if your best pest prevention efforts fail? Whether you tried a do-it-yourself approach, didn't maintain a clean indoor environment, or the cockroaches just wouldn't stay away, you can still stop the invasion after it starts.

To eliminate these interior invaders, contact a pest control professional. While a DIY approach may seem like a cost-saving option, professional-level treatment is the best defense against the resilient roach. If you're still not sure whether you should hire pest control help or not, consider:

  • Home health. A professional exterminator knows what types of treatments to use and how to apply them inside your home.
  • Expertise. The exterminator has years of training and experience to back up their technique. This means they can eliminate the invasion correctly—without multiple attempts.
  • Time. Do you have time to research the best ways to exterminate cockroaches? The pest control expert already knows how to eliminate the invasion and will do the work for you.

The pest control professional's job doesn't stop at the elimination of the invasion. Continue to use an expert extermination service to protect your home—whether you see cockroaches inside or not.

Do you need pest control help? Contact American Pest Professionals for more information.

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